PHP developer for online marketing company (remote)

3 Little Birds Interactive

Company Description

Job Description

We are seeking a PHP developer to join our team. This job would be performed remotely from your home.

In your role, you will receive project goals and details from a senior member of our team, and will have creative control over the execution of the tasks. We require someone that is motivated, hard-working, creative, and detail-oriented, who will take a vested interest in the quality and success of the end product.


Technical requirements:
– Proficient in PHP, preferably with 3+ years experience
– Experienced in MySQL, with the ability to design efficient table structures, write optimized queries, work with Joins, etc
– Experience in developing large projects and bug-testing all scenarios adequately
– Experience in ensuring security on all fronts, with user-created-content
– Experience with HTML/CSS. Some Javascript knowledge needed but not extensively
– Ability to create user-friendly and intuitive interfaces
– Ability to complete tasks from a spec sheet, while using appropriate discretion to fill in some details and perform related tasks without detailed guidance

Personal characteristics:
– Self-motivated, detail-oriented, creative, problem solver
– Excellent written communication skills and grammar

Additional Information

Interested candidates should send cover letter and resume to [email protected] or apply directly online. Please, only candidates with relevant experience  need apply.

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