Senior PHP Developer


Company Description


Job Description

• Strong leadership experience in web based software development in the framework for PHP.

Experienced knowledge of PHP/MySQL/Node.js/Laravel.

Previous experience with AWS/EC2 or other hosted infrastructure.

Thorough and high level experience writing well-documented code.

Possess leadership ability to take full responsibility for support in production systems.

• Maintain consistent communication to work with IT staff in solving new and existing technical challenges.

• High level customer service experience to assist in troubleshooting challenges.

Background and Experience:

• At least 5 years of experience as a team lead in a web development role, preferably e-commerce.

• Strong personal network connections with involvement in user groups and meetings with a network of junior developers.

• Experience in database administration with MySQL/SQL and Business Intelligence experience is preferred.

• Strong ability to produce well-documented and standards-compliant coding experience with specialties in performance optimization.

• Development experience in PHP-based frameworks. 


Skill :  PHP/MySQL/Node.js/Laravel.

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